What People are Saying


The Cheerleader in My Corner

Having Brigette as a cheerleader in my corner has been a truly transformational experience. Each time we talk, she provides a pair of compassionate nonjudgmental listening ears that are a rare find.

With her help, I’ve learned so much about myself and then we set small goals that have led me on a path of steady personal evolution. For example, I can now proudly call myself a recovering perfectionist.

I’m presenting an authentic version of myself to those I interact with each day, and I treat myself with care and compassion knowing that I’m worthy of regular self-care without needing to “earn” it.

My pain levels have decreased dramatically and it feels great to live in a state of greater harmony because my thoughts, emotions, and actions are all more aligned.

— RIA W.


Support with a side of Truth-Telling

When you work with Brigette it feels like being enveloped in love, wisdom, and support with a side of truth telling. Brigette is a wise, intuitive, old soul-not in years, but in experience.

She has knowledge in so many arenas such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, nutrition, health, coaching and probably more that I don’t know about! She seamlessly weaves these together and uses her expertise to help you see what you can’t see for yourself.

She won’t tell you what to do, instead she guides you to your truth and ways to shift the fear or behavior that is causing fear, discomfort or inaction. 

Brigette helped me through a trying time both personally and professionally. She helped me to remember who I am, what I want and why I do the work that I love. I cannot recommend her enough.



Finding Balanced Effort

Working with Brigette has provided the compass I need to stay resilient and on my path- moving forward to achieve my personal and professional goals. 

She has helped me find a way to practice “balanced effort.”  She identifies the “small stuff” that I am too busy to see. Through our work, I have found that it is the small stuff that provides the most happiness in my life. 

Brigette is honest, trustworthy and kind.  With her guidance and support I have been able to find and make time for things I felt were important but just couldn’t seem to fit into my schedule. 

With her caring heart, empathetic ears, professional experience and knowledge, she has been able to help me find the strength, courage, commitment and belief I need in myself in order to continue to grow. 

I look forward to every meeting with her because I know that afterwards I feel more driven, motivated, and excited about the challenges and opportunities that life presents.